draft 1draft n. (1) (荷車などを)引くこと; ひと引き; ひと飲み(の量); (水薬の) 1 回分; すきま風, 通風; (船の)喫水. 【動詞+】 Avoid drafts if you have a cold. かぜをひいているならすきま風に当たらないようにしなさい leave the door open to create a draft for the f
just get a ... a draft on its feet and give it to sean eckhart . 草稿ができたら ショーンに渡して
we found a draft on his computer , a letter of complaint he started writing a few days ago to campus security . 数日前に 彼が大学の警備に書いてた 苦情の手紙の下書きが パソコンの中に見つかった
shoyo made his disciple , saseki hasegawa , write it as a draft on the theme of disturbance within the toyotomi family immediately after osaka natsu no jin (summer siege of osaka ). 始め大坂夏の陣直後の豊臣家の混乱をテーマとして弟子の長谷川沙石に原案を書かせた。
the first proposal was the draft on the family register made by eiichi shibusawa who was in charge of revision at minbusho (ministry of popular affairs ) in december , 1869 for shigenobu okuma who was okura no taifu (a senior assistant minister of the ministry of treasury ), when the both ministries were unified in effect (according to " okuma monjo (written material ), " present institute of social science of waseda university ). 解放令が検討された最初の案は、明治2年(1869年)12月に民部省改正掛の渋沢栄一より、大蔵大輔大隈重信(当時、民部省と大蔵省は事実上統合されていた)にあてて提出された戸籍に関する草案である(現在早稲田大学社会科学研究所「大隈文書」)。